Sixteen years ago today, when I was four years old I fell off and was run over by a riding lawn mower. After being life flighted to the hospital, my doctors and family members were worried about my physical well-being and my ability to even walk again. The doctors took good care of me and after many surgeries, days in a hospital bed, weeks in a wheelchair, and months in a cast, I was on my feet again. I played my soccer game, tumbled, snowboarded, and ran track. I even beat the boys in my grade and set school records. There are still times that people in public will stare, point, and whisper about the scar they see. Although the big and ugly scar is a constant reminder of that setback, to me it is a message of the power of the Atonement. Reminding me that I am a daughter of God who loves me and I will one day be whole again. But until then, I’ll keep beating all the boys.